Work with Chanel

The Velocity Year
(3 Month container)
Custom tailored coaching
Tailored specifically to your needs, in this 3 month 1-on-1 container you will learn Chanel's signature 12 week method - The Velocity Year, for effective goal setting and execution. You also have the opportunity to tap into any or Chanel's specialties: Boundaries (in personal relationships), Support for Life Transitions, & Intuitive Coaching,

Velocity Healing Session
Single Session
1:1 Intuitive read and energetic healing session focused on Money, Goals, or Health.
Session includes an intuitive read, personalized tools to facilitate the change, and energetic healing techniques such as Reiki and other intuitively guided tools to help clear energy, rebalance chakras, and boost cellular health.

Intuitive Reading
Single Session
Intuitive reading to gain clarity and identify any blocks you may be experiencing. In this session, I will read your energy field to see what you have been attracting based your beliefs and energy. Then I will connect with your higher self to discover how you can shift towards the outcome you are seeking.